E-Com Fashion BDC Program Now Accessible to Businesses and Individuals Outside the Garment District
We are sharing a wonderful update in regards to a significant change in the GDA’s Business Development Collaborative program with E-Com Fashion. Garment District Alliance (GDA) and E-Com Fashion modified their BDC program to allow all applicants (both Garment District business, and business and individuals outside of the Garment District) into the program. However, only approved Garment District businesses will receive the program’s feature service, which is the 1 on 1 e-commerce consulting.
Businesses outside of the Garment District will NOT receive this service, but will still be able to access the rest of our program services such as free webinars, and educational materials, through our Online Educational Library (OEL) dashboard. We’ve created a chart below to explain this.
Want to Join our Business Development Collaborative Program?
Read more here: https://www.e-comfashion.com/gdas-bdc-program